
About me

Nicci Dhamu – Children’s Yoga Teacher

A flyer posted through my door on a cool summer evening invited me to experience a Kundalini Yoga class (as taught by Yogi Bhajan) in the local church hall about 14 years ago opening up a world of relaxation which improved my mental physical and emotional well-being. I have since immersed myself in this yoga discipline evolving emotionally and spiritually attending workshops and retreats.

Three years after experiencing my first yoga class and with a deepening practice myself, I was invited to share my knowledge with children at a community summer camp and realised that children would benefit from yoga as much as adults, if not more. In fact without any formal training at that time, children taught me about how to teach them. “I also wished I had had yoga at their age”. Children have stress, fear and anxiety in their lives too, such as exams or peer pressure. Fulfilment doesn’t have to come from external stimulus. Learning to take time out for oneself is a learnt skill.  Yoga class is the ultimate place to just breathe and BE. Emotion comes from motion, children feel great after a yoga class, changing their emotional state and renewing their energy.

So many children these days are being diagnosed with ADHD hyperactivity and anxiety disorders affecting their schooling and everyday lives because they are overstimulated. Children are learning at a faster pace from use of the internet and watching TV than the slower pace at school. Not getting enough attention and are not able to focus their energy positively.  A regular yoga class will give them the techniques and tools to deal with anxiety, create emotional balance, as well as helping them physically, in developing strong healthy limbs, better posture to remain flexible throughout their schools years and beyond. I was able to show children how to find a moment of peace in their energetic lives, by also teaching them meditation, helping them to deal with stress and face the future with confidence and enthusiasm learning skills that would benefit them for the rest of their lives.

Certified through Starchild Yoga which is accredited by KYTA (Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Association). I have continued to teach children at various schools mainly in the West London area from Age 4 to teenagers. I have also taught at various private health clubs and privately on a one to one basis.  I am available to organise yoga parties for birthdays and yoga clubs during half term to keep your children enjoying a peaceful and fun activity.

Yoga is a gift which must be shared with children from a young age, make it a part of their lifestyle. After all they are our next generation of leaders to bring peace and harmony to our ever challenged global humanity.

Nicci Dhamu

07968 304441